Sunday, 23 September 2012

London Fashion Weekend September 2012

I was fortunate enough to get an opportunity to shoot the show at the London fashion weekend in Somerset House. Canon ran a short seminar that provided guidance on key facts to aid our photography, for example, the runway lights were set to 3000 kelvin and consistent lighting meant that shooting at 1/640, f/4-f/5.6 and 400-800 ISO provided the correct exposure. 

I took 1335 photos in total; this was unavoidable because we were advised to use burst mode to capture the model's stride and turns at the end of the catwalk (I found myself firing up to eight shots for a single turn!).

 I have only posted a small selection of the ones I like, but I will be creating a blurb book for my hard copy portfolio. I was using a 24-105mm f/4L and a 70-200mm f/4L with two bodies. The shorter lens was better in the first session when I was in the front of the photographer's pit, but in the second session I was in the back, so the longer lens became invaluable.

 I wanted to use some primes, but I was advised before hand not to bother due to the nature of trying to take photos of subjects walking towards you. I am so glad I listened. After this experience I am very thankful for AI-Servo autofocus tracking and the fact that good quality lens keep focus while zooming in and out.

It was a fun day, and I would definitely do it again (I would also wear more comfortable shoes). 

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